
sabato 27 giugno 2015

Ritratto e regalo / Portrait and gift

Olio su cartone / Oil on cardboard 29 x 29 cm

Voglio ringraziare la mia amica blogger Olimpia che mi ha sorpresa con questo bellissimo regalo, un centrino raffinato di mano greca . Se non la conoscete già andate sul suo blog ( ) e vedrete l'atmosfera splendida che lei con grandissimo gusto sa creare nelle sue case greche. Grazie di cuore Olimpia ! xx

I would like to thank my  blogger friend Olimpia who surprised me with this beautiful gift , a delicate greek embroidery . If you don't already know her  go and check out her blog  ( ) , and you will enjoy the splendid atmosphere she creates with exquisite taste in her lovely greek homes . Thank you so much Olimpia ! xx

25 commenti:

  1. Bello ritratto, e anche il regalo zpewnościa affascinante e molto bello. Saluti.

  2. this is one of my favorite recent portraits of yours, jane. pose is nice, the skin tones lovely.

  3. Beautiful portrait. You convey such strength with it.

  4. Lovely portrait, and that was very kind of Olympia to send you the pretty embroidery.

  5. I agree with Helen, this lady has strength. As always you have handled with such care and expression. Well done, Jane

  6. Its rare to see pretty handmade things!! Love the portrait, especially the hair with movement, and that enigmatic smile!!

  7. Beautiful portrait, Jane! And what a great gift!

  8. Beautiful portrait, Jane ! I love her golden hair and the glowing skin !

  9. Bellísimo retrato, gran viveza en la mirada. Un abrazo.

  10. love the light you have captured in the hair, sweet gifts lovely to receive Jane

  11. Like the yellow hair of the lady. Beautiful painting. Greetings.

  12. Beautiful portrait, Jane. And what a lovely surprise from your friend. I'm sure you'll find a way of incorporating it in a painting soon!

  13. Magnifique ce portrait, Jane. J'aime bien. Je pense que la pose choisie aide bien à réussir une image tellement belle.
    En ce qui concerne au cadeau, c'est magnifique. Tu as de la chance... En voyant ce travail si beau il faudra visiter le blog de ton amie...

    Gros bisous

  14. A strong woman probably, she looks beautiful! And what a lovely gift to receive!

  15. un joli portrait. beaucoup de romantisme et de douceur dans les yeux !
    joli cadeau aussi...

  16. Bello retrato de una mujer con mirada firme, nariz afilada. Denota gran inteligencia. Saludos

  17. So beautiful Jane - she is certainly lovely. Also what a great gift. Olimpia is very talented with her needle. I am sure you will enjoy this prize.

  18. Precioso retrato, con un porte muy personal. Y felicitaciones por el obsequio recibido. Un gran abrazo!!

  19. Lovely face, she is another beauty! I love the embroidery, how lucky to receive such a thoughtful gift!

  20. Bonito retrato y como siempre con mucha fuerza en tus colores.
    Un abrazo Jane.

  21. A beautiful painting of this young woman. You make your paintings of people so alive with eyes that seem to be actively glancing at something or someone beyond the picture edges.
    What a lovely piece of needlework. Such a kind gesture of Olimpia who must think very highly of you. I definitely will visit her website!


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