
mercoledì 2 novembre 2011

Tramonto 2 ( Sunset 2 )

Acquerello 46 x 62
Acquerello 46 x 62

34 commenti:

  1. Il primo,intenso,forte e deciso,molto,molto bello!!
    Un abbraccio e buona giornata!!!

  2. Begge to har en go' udstråling :) :) Jeg syntes at nr. 2 er lige en tand bedre..

  3. They are both beautiful! Funny you often make two paintings of one subject, I do that too sometimes. Hard to make a choice, I like the mysterious atmosphere of the first one a little better.

  4. Was this done on Halloween evening in your "laboratory".....I agree mysterious atmosphere and I love the color choices.

  5. I'm glad you can't decide - it gives us two lovely paintings to see as we sip our coffee this morning :) My fave is the bottom because it's a bit lighter and more of a blue tone to the water - but the rock/landfall shape and color in both is gorgeous!!

  6. If I were to choose, I'd pick the first one, where the yellow added to the water makes the whole painting more harmonious. But I love the spontaneous effects in both skies creating an intriguing atmosphere. Beautiful works!

  7. I'm glad you post both, Jane. They are both quite mysterious-looking, almost primeval ... Earth before Life.

  8. Hi Jane, I am not sure which one I like better. They are both beautiful-alike but different. So I choose both. guess that is cheating isn't it? Thanks also my friend you leve the sweetest comments on my blog. A giant hug to you xo

  9. Hai fatto bene, così li possiamo ammirare entrambi! Ciao, Arianna

  10. Grazie Franz sempre gentilissimo! Un abbraccione

    Grazie Simo. Abbraccio

    Den var god Tim! Tak for din kommentar.

    Judy if I like a subject I almost always do more than one, trying to make it better..or different, glad to hear I'm not the only one. xox

    Cynthia, i didn't think of it, but it IS kind of 'Halloweeny'. Glad to hear you are busy with Christmas preparations. xx

    Rhonda I can picture you there at the table sitting in your morning gown sipping coffee while you check your blog :-))

    Thank you Blaga. Actually the first one was the first one I painted, and I should just have stopped there. xox

    Kathryn, that would have made a great title to this post ' Earth before Life' !

    Arianna grazie di essere passata. Abbraccio

    No, no cheating Annette, in fact I didn't mean to make you all choose, it is I who cannot make up my mind what to post. You are a sweet person and I love your texts.

    Grazie Arianna. Abbraccio

  11. Belli entrambi, ma preferisco la forza del primo.

  12. Me gustan los dos, aunque el primero un poco más.
    Un abrazo

  13. This is my first visit to your blog and am fascinated by the exceptional talent in you! you are a master in so many mediums watercolors, oils, pastels etc....I am happy to follow your blog and thanks for stopping by at my blog..

  14. Jane, son hermosas ambas, sin embargo en cuanto a composición me gusta más la segunda, pero...el cielo de la primera es espectacular! ;)

    Un abrazo grande.

  15. Choosing one over the other would be impossible--each one seems perfect. I imagine that whatever you touch turns to gold--these did.

  16. Bellísimos trabajos!

    un placer visitarte.

    Cariños desde Argentina

  17. J'ai un petit faible pour votre première oeuvre... Je me sens bien en l'admirant, comme apaisée, protégée.
    Le second est très joli aussi, mais il est moins intimiste... mais cela n'implique que mon ressenti.
    Gros bisous

  18. I'm glad you published both, because although the same subject, they are both different and gorgeous! xx

  19. I choose number one. The sky in both is amazing. I specially like how you did the sun in clouds.

  20. These are so different from your other paintings . . . really interesting use of color and very striking!

  21. Hi jane.
    Both paintings are brilliant. Well done and all the best Jane.

  22. Jane! Your ability to paint these sunset skies with an emotion, is, well, emotional!
    The light and lightness of the sky atop the deep color of the water give a sense of hope.
    To paint this in watercolor is music Jane!

  23. Bellísimas acuarelas. Buen trabajo.
    Un beso.

  24. Preciosas acuarelas Jane.

    Has capatado de forma extraordinaria ese momento del díá.

    Un saludo

  25. Io preferisco la seconda! La luce è meravigliosa! Un abbraccio

  26. The light is playing so beautifully in both the works, Jane,I have a weakness for sunsets and I cant take my eyes off them!

  27. Hai fatto bene di mostrare i due perche i due sono bellissimi, ma ho una legera preferenza per il primo. Baci.

  28. Elvi, Juan e Maritza grazie. Un abbraccio

    M.R.Anand thanks a lot for your very kind comment and welcome :-))

    Hallie it wouldn't be bad to be some kind of 'Queen Mida' , but at least you can always turn to the yellow color :-)

    Grazie mille Adriana, e benvenuta! Abbraccio

    Merci Martine. Grosses bises!

    Pat and Irina thank you.! xox

    Lorraine. You are right , different from my usual subjects, but sometimes it is just good to try something new.

    Thank you Victor! All the best.

    Bill, beautiful comment, thank you so much . xox

    Ana e Montse grazie. Abbraccio

    Hej AAse Marie tak fordi du kigger forbi.

    Anamaria e Alberto grazie. Abbraccio

    I know padmaja, sunsets keep you spellbound:-) xx

  29. How did I miss these Jane. Absolutely gorgeous!

  30. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  31. both the skies are so beautiful jane . ..i like the bottom one overall.

  32. Mes préférés .
    Je sais aussi que l'aquarelle est une disciplice très contraignante . Je vous félicite pour une jeune artiste c'est du "tout beau".
    Merci pour votre passage.
    Bien amicalement et très artistiquement.


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