
domenica 23 giugno 2013

Due volte Eva / Two times Eve

Venduto / Sold
Acrilico su cartone / Acrylic on cardboard 29 x29

52 commenti:

  1. Preciosos los dos, la misma figura con dos resultados totalmente diferentes. impresionantes.

  2. slet ikke så ringe endda.... :) - og som du snart kender mig for godt !!!! må jeg vel IKKE se originalbilledet ?

  3. Dos trabajos diferentes sobre el mismo tema que han quedado muy bien. Creo que la segunda está más en su ambiente, un jardín o lugar con vegetación. Creo que me gusta más. Un saludo.

  4. jolis nus ! j'aime beaucoup le deuxième ! les couleurs
    et les lumières sont très belles
    bon dimanche Jane

  5. I don't know which of these I prefer, they both are so strikingly different even though the model and pose are the same. You are very versatile in your painting abilities.

  6. Two lovely paintings. The skin is especially realistic and her form.

  7. I actually thought of Eve before I saw the titles, very nice figure studies.

  8. What a wonderful difference in backgrounds on these. I love the second one...she is in a garden and really enjoying the breeze. The body on the first one is lovely. It's interesting how you left the second one without facial features...I would have guessed the first one is the one you would choose to leave out the features. This post made me think a lot...can you tell? :)

  9. Me gusta mucho tu forma de interpretar el mismo tema de dos formas distintas.buen trabajo Jane. Abrazos.

  10. Me gusta más la segunda versión.
    Bonitos trabajos, Jane.
    Un abrazo.

  11. Oba akty bardzo ładne, ale drugi jest dla mnie ciekawszy. Pozdrawiam.
    Entrambi gli atti molto bello, ma il secondo è più interessante per me. Distinti.

  12. Due bei nudi. Mi piace di più il secondo,è più informale

  13. interesantes las dos Evas, una más terrenal y misteriosa, en la realizada con acrílico me gusta más de color y me parece más libre como la pincelada que utilizó

  14. C'est curieux parce que malgré la différence, de style et de couleurs, dans les deux travaux, tu as réussi transmettre la même sensation d'intimité interrompue, d'une certaine attitude d'indefension de la modèle, comme si elle avait découvert une présence inattendue dehors le tableau. Intimisme et expressionnisme marchent de la main et me parlent à travers de deux manières bien différents d'une même idée. Et ça est fantastique!

    Je t'embrasse

  15. Dos variaciones del mismo tema muy bellas y logradas, el estilo figurativo del acrilico es muy impactante. Enhorabuena! Un abrazo.

  16. Love these 'Eva's', Jane! They're fabulous, also love the background in both paintings. You're nudes are very good!!

  17. Twice Eva is beautiful. I don't know which I like better.

  18. Me gustan estos dos bellos desnudos querida Jane!! Realmente hermosos. Besos

  19. Painting her two ways must certainly have made you think how to make each unique and you have

  20. It is a great idea to paint a subject in two different ways, I am sure it was an exciting creative time, both look stunning!

  21. Hola Jane: hermosas las dos obras, pero me agrada más la versión en acrílico, la noto más espontánea y natural. Felicitaciones.Abrazos!!

  22. Hey Jane, ik vind beide Eva's heel mooi geschilderd ,elk in de eigen stijl.

  23. These are both good figure studies but I think the first one is my favourite. I like the dark background and the skin tones are excellent, very realistic.

  24. Gorgeous figure studies Jane! I love both versions and enjoy seeing the variations in style and medium. You have such a wide range of expression. Hugs!

  25. J'aime beaucoup la deuxième version Jane, avec le fond multicolore, un peu flou. Ton nu ressort super bien. Grosses bises

  26. Me gusta el acrílico, me resulta más sugerente al estar menos definido.

  27. Me gustan mucho los dos. El acrílico me transmite más.
    Felicidades, te superas cada día, Jane!


  28. Cara Jane,difficile scegliere tra queste due Eva,quale più affascinante...ambedue PERIME DONNE in tutti i sensi! Ciao!

  29. I like the acrylic rendition better than the oil. The oil is a woman realistically done, on display and self conscious about it. There's an embarrassment to it. In the acrylic, the woman and her surroundings are one and she seems more natural and at ease. The abstract qualities of the ground make her rest easy on the canvas. Both reditions are interesting.

  30. Entrambi nudi armoniosi...e ben rappresentati.
    Ciao cara Jane ...e buon inizio settimana...ti abbraccio!

  31. Jane......beautiful. I love the bottom one......the colors..and what you left out being just as important as what is in. Fun, yes?

  32. A mi tambien me gusta mas el acrilico, los colores son más cálidos y la forma mas sugerente. Un abrazo

  33. Both are very beautiful, Jane! I think I would preffer the secon one, as it leave more to the viewer to complete.

    1. Very interesting, same pose, such different effect. I like them both for entirely different reasons. Bravo!

  34. Both beautiful in different ways!! There is a feeling of tension in the first and the loose brushwork in the second tells a different but equally fascinating story. Well done Jane, both these paintings belong together like two sides of a coin.

  35. Me agrada que también pintes desnudos,Jane. Creo que todo artista pasa por aquello.
    Bellísimas ambas pinturas...La primera es como una Eva más moderna...;)
    La segunda más su hábitat natural...
    Grandes diferencias en ambas, sin embargo preciosas...

    (Gracias por tus comentarios. Sí, el Traductor de Google es malísimo a la hora de definir un texto. Reclamamos?... jeje )...


  36. J'aime cette liberté d'expression dans le deuxième ainsi que son visage sans trait.
    Bisous, Jane.

  37. Dopo un lungo periodo di tempo fuori dal blog, oggi torno con i miei amici blogger. Ho visitato i tuoi post precedenti e ti congratulo per questi magnifici ritratti. I nudi del tuo ultimo post sono entrambi eccellenti, ma, come la maggior parte dei tuoi visitatori, preferisco il secondo per il suo colore e lo stile cosi libero. Congratulazioni. Un bacione.

  38. liebe jane,
    beide Arbeiten sind interessant und ansprechend...ich mag das ist so leicht, locker und in fröhlichen farben.......
    grüße dich maria

  39. so different with the same model,and so beautiful both, dear Jane.
    And sexy-)))
    Bravo,i love you-)))

  40. Hola Jane, dos desnudos fantasticos, quizas me gusta un poco mas el acrílico, los colores me atraen más.. felicitaciones!! un abrazo

  41. Me encanta la pintura al óleo.

  42. I've been on holiday and have loved seeing all your new art work now that I'm back. All of your paintings are gorgeous as always!

    I hope you are having a good summer.


  43. Dos pinturas muy misteriosas, me gustan mucho Jane

    Un abrazo

  44. Passei para uma visita e gostei de todas suas pinturas: a óleo, a acrílica e as aquarelas.Parabéns e boa semana

  45. Precioso sitio, llego hasta tu blog por intermedio de un comentario tuyo en el sitio de Giga , con tu permiso me quedo para seguirte.

    (¯`'•.¸(♥)¸.•'´¯) Abrazos desde Uruguay! (¯`'•.¸(♥)¸.•'´¯)

  46. You've done a beautiful job with both of these studies Jane. You are a woman of many lovely styles!

  47. Ciao Jane ,stupendi tutti e due i tuoi nudi ,il primo molto elegante ,superbo la tonalitâ del corpo sembra porcellana ,che risulta ancor più brillante attraverso questo bellissimo sfondo !
    Il secondo é meraviglioso anche ,lo sfondo lo hai magistralmente donato di colori meravigliosi ,che donano alla figura una nota di pace silvestre !
    Tanti tanti complimenti ,sei super brava.
    Un caro saluto Bianca

  48. Dear Jane:) I'm a lover of your beautiful style. These two ladies are painted so nice. I don't know which one to prefer. I like them both very much. The background of the first one is so beautiful but they both have something mysterious.The anonymity of the second I find awesome! Well done! Hugs:)xx


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