
lunedì 6 aprile 2015

Reading in the Park

Olio su cartone / Oil on cardboard 31 x 32 cm
A few years ago I visited the Kew Gardens in London, and this woman caught my attention . She was sitting on a bench reading under some very tall trees, and the scene was so peaceful I had to shoot some photos of her for a future painting . And after three years here she is :-)

Qualche anno fa visitai i Kew Gardens a London , e questa donna attirò la mia attenzione . Stava leggendo su una panchina sotto un gruppo di alberi molto alti , e la scena era così idilliaca che dovevo per forza scattare qualche foto per un futuro dipinto. E dopo 3 anni, eccolo qui:-)

29 commenti:

  1. Non c'è da stupirsi che in tale un posto bellissimo, qualcuno riposato e prenotare cztał. Ero lì, lo so. Il dipinto che dà l'atmosfera di questo luogo. Saluti.

  2. Bonjour chère Jane,

    Tu as merveilleusement peint cette scène avec cette dame qui semble si sereine sur ce banc.
    Parfois il faut savoir attendre et laisser mûrir l'émotion qui dicte que le moment est alors venu de créer...
    J'aime beaucoup également les nuances de couleurs.

    ❀ Gros bisous ❀

  3. Bonito recuerdo que hoy nos ofreces con tu gran arte.
    Gracias y felicitaciones con un fuerte abrazo.

  4. I love the impressionist background and the serenity of this scene, this photo has indeed become a gem!!

  5. En España hay un refrán que dice: "Quien a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija". Si además lees un buen libro, mucho mejor.
    Bella pintura que recoge un momento íntimo.

  6. It is a picture full of light and colour , very quietly.
    Liebe Grüße

  7. A time for everything Jane, glad you revisited this peaceful scene its a lovely work

  8. This reminds me of my mom...immersed in a world so deeply that looking at her, one can almost see it, as well!

  9. Realmente, has captado la escena de manera brillante. Se puede intuir el ambiente, el clima de un dia de verano de relax. Felicidades. Un abrazo

  10. Dear Jane- such a peaceful scene. Glad you turned the photo into a painting. I have some photos that I meant to do the same too. Mine just need to be found. 😊

  11. Preciosa captación de la señora leyendo :) Hay veces que vemos fotos de hace unos años y nos llega la inspiración para pintarlas. ¡Te felicito!
    El abstracto de la anterior entrada es una preciosidad.
    Un abrazo y buena semana, Sonia.

  12. Gracias por compartir este momento.
    Un abrazo. Teresa

  13. Un po' in ritardo rispetto allo scatto, ma dipinto benissimo. Il ritratto è venuto fuori con la stessa luminosità che si può ammirare in questi giorni primaverili ed ha una fresca incantevole atmosfera.
    Abbracci,Rita. (Ps gli scatti a cui teniamo di più ,spesso richiedono periodi di...artistica incubazione!)

  14. C'est charmante la scène que tu as réussi, Jane. N'importe pas le temps passé depuis que tu as pris la photo, je suis sûre que tu avais le sentiment que la scène t'a produit frais, intact.

    Gros bisous

  15. Entrañable marco para un fantástico trabajo, Jane. Precioso.


  16. she hasn't aged a day! nice greens. i imagine they are difficult with oil as watercolor? the counterpoint of the figure in both content and color are perfect.

  17. Universal In appeal. Who doesn't relate to this wonderful painting.
    Love what Bob said above.

  18. This lady seems so concentrated and immersed in her reading business. Very enjoyable scene to see. You have painted the scene beautifully.

  19. Nice scene to capture. Again you to the story so well. Nice colors and brushwork leads to peace and contentment.

  20. this is such a serene and pleasing piece. I like the way you collect photos for future "maybes". I do that too!

  21. Que escena más bonita y tierna. Los jardines de Londres son una maravilla y tiene unos rincones muy románticos para llevar al lienzo. Un abrazo.

  22. What a peaceful scene, Jane! I love it!

  23. It feels fresh and lovely as the summer day you are depicting. Fantastic colors! xx

  24. This is a brilliant composition dealt extremely well. so glad she came alive on your canvas after three years and we got to enjoy the scene!

  25. Se respira tranquilidad y sosiego en el paraje que tan bien has sabido captar. Me encanta el lugar y la pintura. Abrazos

  26. M'agrada molt pau i l'atmòsfera de l'escena!! Molt bé Jane!!


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