
lunedì 19 settembre 2011

Rose in Vaso Trasparente / Roses in Transparent Vase

Acquerello 30 x 42

Acquerello 30 x 42

Come spesso succede quando dipingo due versioni  dello stesso tema, non so quale postare...e allora eccole tutte e due...a voi la scelta :-)

As often happens when I paint two  versions of the same subject,  I don't know which one to post, so here they are both of choose.:-)

38 commenti:

  1. Difficult to choose, they are both gorgeous! Maybe I like the first one a tiny bit better because of the warm reds.

  2. Sono molto delicati ed immediati. Bravissima.
    Se vuoi JANE qui
    trovti tutte le foto dell'evento mail art.
    grazie milla e ciaoooo

  3. ops..quale scegliere?
    MI sembrano proprio belli entrambi...forse più spontaneo il primo ma...posso sceglierli entrambi???

  4. les deux sont très réussies néanmoins j'ai une préférence pour la première peut-être que le sol plus marqué met plus le bouquet en valeur

  5. Il n'est pas simple de faire un choix, cependant je crois que le deuxième dessin est plus accompli... Mais cela n'est que mon ressenti...
    Je vous fais de gros bisous et merci pour vos gentils commentaires.

  6. Sono entrambi molto delicati...rispecchiano la tua sensibilità d'animo. Complimenti!

  7. Las dos son preciosas, un trabajo muy delicado, enhorabuena!

  8. Me gustan las dos. Delicadas tonalidades y suaves formas realzan tus rosas.Saludos, Jane.

  9. I can't decide which is better. I recently took a one-night, three-hour watercolor class. Last night (midnight) I decided to try what I learned. These paintings are amazingly similar to what I saw in my head; but what's on my paper is not even close (it was fun, though). Beautiful work, Jane.

  10. Las dos son delicadas y preciosas. Pero es verdad que entre dos cosas aunque sean muy parecidas, tenemos tendencia a elegir una, y cada cual elegirá según su gusto y estado de ánimo. Las rosas de la segunda las veo soñadoras, las primeras más sensuales. Elijo la primera, aunque es difícil la elección.


  11. Both look very soft and spontaneous. I love the yellow light in the background and the looseness of flowers and jars. I also like this idea to work on a couple of versions simultaneously. Beautiful watercolors!

  12. HI, i wonder which painting was painted first. I like the one on the top,it is more impulsive and much more free... :)

  13. I like them both. However, I am betting that the one on top was painted second. It seems to have more detail and thought in details. As I am looking, I am actually liking the one on top better because of the details. Am I wrong?

  14. Belli entrambi,io preferisco il primo,alcuni colori mi sembrano più accentuati e credo che renda di più.
    Sempre bravissima!!
    Un abbraccio e felice giornata!!

  15. Preciosas y delicadas acuarelas Jane. Enhorabuena. Buen trabajo.

  16. Both are so beautiful and competing with each other, no question of choice for me,I choose both!

  17. I'm glad you posted both - they are just a bit different and both loose and lovely :)

  18. The second one is less detailed, and for myself a little bit more open,the first one is beautiful...

  19. Muy bonitos, me gusta mucho la sencillez con la que se han resuelto las flores. Enhorabuena

  20. I like them both. So loose and colorful.

  21. Comment pourrais-je choisir ? les deux sont superbes !

  22. I like both very much but think the top one is my preference. Lovely free strokes. Such a lovely spot for summer! I want to transport myself there after a summer of 55+ days of 100+ degree heat! So green and cool and lush!

  23. both beautiful. My favorite. The bottom one. Don't ask me why.

  24. Que pinceladas tan sueltas! Son unas acuarelas llenas de alegre colorido y alegres.

  25. beautiful jane i love the top one :) grass roof is wonderful on your summer house and garden must be haven there for you ... read you studied landscape design on william's blog

  26. Så gjorde du det igen :) :) ret så SMUKT... disse to billeder kunne FINT hænge hjemme i stuen hos mig... begge billeder har en "fredfyld og harmonisk" farve... smuk...smuk...

  27. Beautiful Jane, both are lovely but I think I like the top one the most!

  28. Judy I know, they really are very similar...I prefer the first one, but my children said NOOO! The second one!

    Grazie del commento Carla. Ho guardato il tuo sito con la mail art, è veramente stupefacente quante ne hai ricevuto, e di bellissime veramente. Ciao e grazie a te!

    Merci Isabelle, je sais, ils y a très peu de difference , mais tu as bien observée .

    Martine, merci pour ton commentaire si gentil. Bises

    Cara Simo, sei sempre molto carina. Ciaoo

    Laura e Maite , grazie mille per i vostri preziosi commenti. Un abbraccio

    Hallie, I am sure you did a wonderful job with your watercolors, but thank you for your flattering words.

    Cara Carmen, hai perfettamente ragione, sono molto simili..grazie mille per il tuo gentilissimo commento. Abbraccio

  29. Sono belli e molto simili, ma preferisco il secondo. Elvi

  30. belli tutti e due con una preferenza per il primo,ti abbraccio

  31. Blaga I almost always do several paintings of the same subject ( if I like it of course), because not necessarily the first one is the best. Hugs

    Hi Cathy, the second one was painted first, and on the first one I got more courageous:-)

    Liana, you are totally right!!! xox

    Grazie Franz per la tua osservazione. Un abbraccio e buona serata.

    Thank you Pat! xox

    Jose Luis e Carlos Lèon grazie di cuore. Abbraccio

    Padmaja, Rhonda and Willy. Thank you all for your generous comments!

    Ciao Sergio, grazie di essere passato.

    Thank you Irina.

    Lydie toujours si gentille, merci beaucoup. Bises

    Hi Lorraine, it must have been unbearable with that heat!! In fact I stay long in my summerhouse in order to avoid the heat in Italy in July / becomes very hot here , too, but in Denmark summer is perfect ( if it doesn't rain too much:-) So...looking forward to seeing you next year :-))

    I won't ask you anything Mary, but thank you for passing by.

    Hola Mercedes , grazie del commento e BENVENUTA.

    Exactly Jane , it is haven for me, and yes, gardening is another one of my big passions...I studied garden design which is on a smaller scale than landscape design. xox

    Hej Tim, er rigtig glad for, du synes om billederne. Tak for dine paene ord. Knus

    Debra Thanks for commenting. xox

    Ciao Elvi, è verissimo, sono similissimi, ma in famiglia preferiscono il secondo ed io il primo, perciò ho postato tutte e due...Abbraccio

    Ciao Gabe, sono contenta del tuo commento, questo vuol dire, che ogni tanto entri in possesso del Pc. Abbraccio

  32. Veramente ardua la scelta... ma perché scegliere? Sono meravigliosi tutti e due! Amo queste rose così loose, così leggere e vaporose! Bravissima!

  33. It’s always a pleasure
    to see such a Wonderful Work
    good creations

  34. A very beautiful and elegant work. It is soft and delicate.

  35. Muito bonitas suas aquarelas, parabéns!


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