Ambas acuarelas tienen cosas muy especiales,si bien prefiero la de colores cálidos, la primera tiene una transparencias maravillosas y esas línes tan tuyas que le dan un movimiento circular... La segunda...maravillosa en sus contrastes! Me encantó ese naranjo tan "vivo"!... Las pinceladas del fondo azul me fascinan,Jane.
Me gusta mucho la utlización que haces en ambas de los colores complementarios, y la frescura e inmeditez en la ejecución. La primera muy límpia, muy transparente y más fría, y la segunda, mi favorita, con los colores quebrados, acogedora, envolvente y muy cálida. Abrazo cálido, Jane
cara Jane , trovo questi acquerelli così vibranti...e freschi ! Guardandoli mi è venuta voglia di una succosa spremuta ...per cui ti mando un bacio e corro subito a farmela...
Je suis toujours aussi heureuse de découvrir vos aquarelles. Vous êtes très talentueuse ma chère. Vos couleurs dansent bien ensemble. Gros bisous et bon weekend.
I like how your generous use of color gives so much volume to the objects. And that dark glazed clay cup at the back of the second painting cannot hide from me :) I love both!
Well my friend so love your style of you art. I have had to look several times but I think I like the warmer painter the best of the two. Not that the other one isn't great but for some reason the warm one is speaking to me. Maybe because it warm here in the summer. Well in Texas it is pure hot in the summer but you know what I mean. xoxo
Oh Jane you are so funny. Italy, I think of wine, fun loving people and mountains. Denmark, I think of snow, mountains and beautiful people. Well we use to have a horse , grnadughters, and we do have guns. Most Texans do, don't have six shooters though. Loved your comment. xoxoxoxo
Judy, Megha Kapoor, Cora, Pat, Laurie, Cynnie, Antonio, Blaga, Annette, Kathryn,Celeste. Thank you my friends!! Hugs!!!
Jose Luis, Maritza, José Antonio, Gabe, Arianna,Margarita, Pepe, Dandelion, Ornella, Lydie, Onera, Martinealison, Elvi, Conchi, Juan e Barbara. Grazie mille amici! Abbraccio!!!
They are fabulous Jane! Love the colors and the loose style!
RispondiEliminaUhauuuu. Maravillosas las dos. Limpias, luminosas y con una ejecución perfecta. No sé cuál de las dos me gusta más.
RispondiEliminaUn fuerte abrazo, Jane.
loved the looseness!
RispondiEliminaHi Jane, I'm new here. I like your loose style. I'll put you in my bloglist if it is okey. Cora
RispondiEliminaAmbas acuarelas tienen cosas muy especiales,si bien prefiero la de colores cálidos, la primera tiene una transparencias maravillosas y esas línes tan tuyas que le dan un movimiento circular...
RispondiEliminaLa segunda...maravillosa en sus contrastes! Me encantó ese naranjo tan "vivo"!... Las pinceladas del fondo azul me fascinan,Jane.
Abrazos miles!
Great paintings, Jane. Loose and full of life, Excellent xx
RispondiEliminaEstupendas las dos, con ese colorido y esa buena resolución, son obras con mucha alegría y soltura.
belle e colorate,magnifici i limoni del primo,baci
RispondiEliminaBellissimi..così reali e piacevoli da guardare..
oh my gosh the richness of color, amazing!!
RispondiEliminaMe gusta mucho la utlización que haces en ambas de los colores complementarios, y la frescura e inmeditez en la ejecución. La primera muy límpia, muy transparente y más fría, y la segunda, mi favorita, con los colores quebrados, acogedora, envolvente y muy cálida.
RispondiEliminaAbrazo cálido, Jane
Jane que cosas mas bonitas pintas, te felicito por esa sencibilidad al pintar
RispondiEliminaGorgeous still lifes...I see you have the touch of "Tangerine Tango" to your blog...looks good with grey.
RispondiEliminaSarò strana , ma sono innamorata dei manici...
RispondiEliminasempre più belli i Tuoi acquerelli Jane Cara..
condivido da me su fn..
un abbraccio..
cara Jane , trovo questi acquerelli così vibranti...e freschi ! Guardandoli mi è venuta voglia di una succosa spremuta ...per cui ti mando un bacio e corro subito a farmela...
RispondiEliminaTwo beautiful watercolors! The colors are delicious!
RispondiEliminaCongratulations and a big hug
C'est vif, enlevé, gai ;tes natures mortes sont loin d'être statiques, j'aime beaucoup. Bonne soirée.
RispondiEliminaEnhorabuena Jane. Unas acuarelas preciosas.
RispondiEliminaUn abrazo.
Je suis toujours aussi heureuse de découvrir vos aquarelles. Vous êtes très talentueuse ma chère.
RispondiEliminaVos couleurs dansent bien ensemble.
Gros bisous et bon weekend.
I like how your generous use of color gives so much volume to the objects. And that dark glazed clay cup at the back of the second painting cannot hide from me :) I love both!
RispondiEliminaWell my friend so love your style of you art. I have had to look several times but I think I like the warmer painter the best of the two. Not that the other one isn't great but for some reason the warm one is speaking to me. Maybe because it warm here in the summer. Well in Texas it is pure hot in the summer but you know what I mean. xoxo
RispondiEliminaJane, these are both so beautiful! And I more deeply appreciate the looseness, now knowing that you do them WITHOUT SKETCHING!!! Ciao, bella.
RispondiEliminaMolto bello Jane, bella la trasparenza del bicchiere. Elvi
RispondiEliminaMis felicitaciones,unos trabajos geniales.
RispondiEliminaBesitos y pasa una feliz semana.
Muy buenas las dos Jane, me gustan mucho las composiciones, el color y la soltura con la que las has resuelto.
so fresh---and sunny
RispondiEliminaOh Jane you are so funny. Italy, I think of wine, fun loving people and mountains. Denmark, I think of snow, mountains and beautiful people. Well we use to have a horse , grnadughters, and we do have guns. Most Texans do, don't have six shooters though. Loved your comment. xoxoxoxo
RispondiEliminaCiao Jane, mi piace molto il secondo per i suoi colori così caldi, Buona domenica sera!!
Judy, Megha Kapoor, Cora, Pat, Laurie, Cynnie, Antonio, Blaga, Annette, Kathryn,Celeste. Thank you my friends!! Hugs!!!
RispondiEliminaJose Luis, Maritza, José Antonio, Gabe, Arianna,Margarita, Pepe, Dandelion, Ornella, Lydie, Onera, Martinealison, Elvi, Conchi, Juan e Barbara. Grazie mille amici! Abbraccio!!!
I like the freedom of your hand so much! Well done.
RispondiEliminaPasso anche oggi ad ammirare le tue opere. Mi piacciono tantissimo!!! Sei una vera sensibile artista.
RispondiEliminaBuona giornata