
venerdì 3 febbraio 2012

Oltre il Cancello / On the Other Side of the Fence

Acquerello e tempera / Watercolor and gouache 39 x 56
Foto d'ispirazione / Reference photo
In giardino / In the garden
In giardino/ In the garden

Come potete vedere anche a Milano abbiamo avuto un bel po di neve, e mi piace moltissimo quando la città prende l'aspetto un po fiabesca. Il dipinto non è certamente una copia della foto d'ispirazione , ma mi piaceva l'idea del cancelletto con la neve.

As you can see we had quite a lot of snow in Milan, and I love when the city puts on the 'fairytale like' face. The painting is certainly not a copy of the reference photo, but I liked the idea of the fence with the snow.

56 commenti:

  1. Ciao Jane hai trasmesso perfettamente le tue ti va passa da me ...chissà che non t'ispiri

  2. Buongiorno Jane, questo acquarello mipiace tantissimo! Hai reso la poesia che ti ha ispirato il paesaggio e questa è un aspeto che lo rende ancora più bello...buona neve,anche qui sulla costa romagnola non si scherza! Bacio, Barbara

  3. Buongiorno,Jane!Mi auguro che splenda il sole sulla neve anche a Milano.La tua neve è suggestiva, la tua pittura è poesìa rispetto alla realtà fotografica.Un abbraccio.

  4. E ne è venuta una splendida cornice...
    molto bello Jane...
    sereno divenire in Gioie Condivise..
    un caro saluto..

  5. It's a great painting with the trees and the fence! It seems we are having snow too today!

  6. ciaoo Jane. Hai dato una bellissima atmosfera al dipinto. Bravissia ciaooo

  7. Me gusta mucho, Jane, creo que has logrado un efecto de atmósfera invernal y una sensación de profundidad con el fondo más difuminado, las diagonales, el majestuoso árbol y la barandilla en primer plano.
    abrazote cálido para compensar... aquí tenemos fuerte viento, sensación térmica de once grados bajo cero, pero... nada, nada de nieve...grrr.

  8. You've picked an excellant viewpoint Jane!! The snow on the trees and fence look superb!! We hav'nt had any snow yet but its so cold!
    Keep warm and have a great weekend.x

  9. Acquerello meraviglioso,Jane, ha l'atmosfera di fiaba! La tua città è veramente bella con la neve. Un abbraccio

  10. The snow is beautiful, both in your painting and the photos. We have had no snow here this winter, so it was nice to be able to step into your fairy tale city for a visit!

  11. Hello Jane:) A lovely painting! Nice warm colors. The fence gives the painting depth. Good choise!

  12. Grande atmósfera Jane, transmette l'ambiente freddo.

  13. Hola Jane, gran atmósfera que has logrado me gusta mucho el resultado.

  14. I love your interpretation of the scene! Also the photographs are so gorgeous. It's a rare thing to see snow in Texas. Thank you for sharing.

  15. beautiful your interpretation!

  16. Wonderful painting, Jane. Love it. I like the composition of the fence and the tree.
    HOLY CATS!! Have you ever got a lot of snow! Is it still cold?
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, whatever you are doing.
    Hugs, my friend!

  17. Sne er smuk, men bare ikke for længde af gangen...

  18. Lovely painting, Jane! You captured the feel of the snow but still have a warm inviting scene! Beautiful! Your photos are lovely and the snow on the roses in the garden is begging to be painted!

  19. muy buena Jane, una atmósfera invernal preciosa!

  20. Que bonita!, que cielo más luminoso Jane, te felicito. Me sorprende ver tanta nieve en los jardines y la calle, aqui, en Valencia, el clima es más cálido. Un abrazo.

  21. Preciosa acuarela. El paisaje está fantástico. Aquí en Murcia no nieva. Besos.

  22. Love your painting Jane, it has a lovely atmosphere to it. Gouache is so good to use isn't it. Does look like a picture postcard over there, very cold here too.

  23. Jane, this painting is just exquisite! I love the composition and the snow falling from the sky. Love the adddition of the fence. Just so beautifully done!

  24. Mi piace molto questo albero sotto la neve. Bella atmosfera.

  25. looks like you had more snow than us ! the trees with the snow covered branches jane.

  26. - branches with snow, gorgeous. like the not so busy composition.

  27. Siamo tutti sotto la coltre...qui non c'è più adesso anche se le previsioni la danno per domani. Doveva essere una bella atmosfera lì a Milano, e si vede anche nel tuo acquarello. Buon we, Arianna!

  28. Beautiful painting, I love the quiet feeling you get looking at this.

  29. Bel dipinto, bellissimo l'effetto neve!

  30. Beautiful shades Jane ! What a wonderful landscape as those covering the snow! It arrived this week here in France also ... so enjoy it!

  31. Has pintado la nieve con unos colores muy bellos. Los árboles nevados han quedado fantásticos!

  32. Simo grazie dell'invito, infatti ho visto bellissime foto innevate da te. Ciaoo

    Barbara, ho sentito al telegiornale che ne avrete un sacco di neve dalle tue parti. Goditela che dura così poco. Abbraccio

    Ciao Rita. Oggi c'è stato un bellissimo sole a Milano, ma un freddo polare e ghiaccio per la strada. In giardino ci sono i ghiaccioli sotto una tettoia...per cui proprio freddo.

    Un caro saluto dandelion e buon weekend!

    Barbara thanks for commenting!

    Hi Judy, I think all of Europe is more or less under the snow in this period. Enjoy it !

    Ciao Carla. Mi fa piacere che ti piace. Abbraccio

    Ciao Margarita. Copriti bene e speriamo che avrete un po di neve anche voi :-)

    Hi Azra. it is very cold here during the night around minus 10° andminus 1 degree
    during daytime, so a lot of covering up and drinking lots of tea is necessary :-) Have a nice weekend you too.

    E vero Anamaria, Milano cambia proprio aspetto con la neve. Un abbraccio

    I hope you get some snow maybe later Frances, the winter is still long. xx

    Renate I also think that the fence was necessary in this painting. Have a nice weekend!

    José Antonio e Mauro Loor grazie per i vostri gentili commenti.

    Trudy and Theanne, thank you both for your encouraging comments. Trudy I would have imagined that there was NEVER any snow in Texas!

    Oh yes Kathryn it is still cold. We are below zero degrees and everything is freezing now, I have ice taps in the garden. Quite cosy actually...because I know it won't last for along time :-) Hugs to you!

    Tim, jeg er helt enig med dig,og jeg nyder det nu, fordi jeg ved, det ikke varer laenge ,foer det er vaek igen. Ha' en go' weekend. Knus

    Rosemary the roses in the garden are actually Camellias, but it is very hard to see as they are so covered in snow. And thank you for the idea of painting them, can you believe it, I didn't think of it, but I probably will give it a try !

    Laura, Tina e S, Orò grazie per i vostri gentili commenti. Sembra che la Spagna sia l'unico paese ancora rispamiata dalla neve. Un abbraccio

    Dear Ann. Gouache is wonderful to use when you paint snow, or waves, but apart from that I never use it, as it seems a little opaque to me. Keep warm!

    Anonimo, thank you for your wonderful comment, I would so much like to know who you are, but unfortunately there is no name.

    Grazie mille Elvi. Con l'aiuto del gouache è un gioco da ragazzi innevare gli alberi :-) Buon weekend!

    We had lots of snow Jane. The children have been throwing snowballs in the streets, and really had a chance to play with it.

    Thank you very much Cora!

    Grazie Arianna, e proprio bello a Milano in questo momento anche se ormai non nevica più, ma sta gelando. Buon weekend anche a te!

    Pat thanks for your very nice comment !

    Marie-Jeanne grazie per la tua visita!

    Viviane we will both enjoy it! Have a nice weekend!

    Noemi sei molto gentile, grazie mille !

  33. Preciosa! evidentemente a pesar del frío la inspiración llegó puntual. Enhorabuena. Saludos. Jesús

  34. Fabulous snow!!! You know it is winter when Milano gets shots! We are having a cold wave from Siberia.....omg!!!

  35. Hi Jane, love seeing your snow pics they are beautiful as your painting of the snow. Just didn't realize yall got snow, guess I better bone up on your part of the world. Reallylike the garden pic and I bet is beautiful in the summer or spring. xoxo Annette

  36. A great feeling of looking right up into the falling snow! You've conveyed the depth and quiet of the sky beautifully!

  37. Hi Jane, I like the painting you have done with the falling snow. The snow sticking on the fence is well done too. Thanks for keeping in touch on my blog also. Have a wonderful weekend and happy painting!
    your friend, Linda

  38. very nice,

    Welcome to my blog:

  39. I like the fence! It divides me from the winter I am already fed up with)).
    I like how you painted snow.

  40. Stunning painting. It has quite a magical feel xx

  41. Hai usato dei colori che mi piacciono molto, e rispetto alle immagini fotografiche, hai aggiunto quel tocco personale che da quel pizzico di poesia in più. E' molto bello.
    Anche qui siamo semisepolti dalla neve!!
    Buon we, a presto ^_^

  42. Beautiful your painting in the snow Jane. Also the pictures of you. I feel the snow and the wind in the painting. Fantastic.
    Greet Marja

  43. En España también tenemos nieve. Muy bonita tu acuarela.

  44. Wonderful wintry sky. You really captured the feeling of a snowy twilight.

  45. Jesus direi che anzi, il freddo e la neve aumenta l'ispirazione :-)

    I know Cynnie, everybody was 'crying' because of lack of winter and snow, but now we got our hands full :-)

    Annette we get some snow almost every winter, but normally not so much . This year is an exception and also exceptionally cold. xx

    Mary , really appreciate your lovely comment!

    Nice to see you Linda, and thanks for visiting. You have a nice weekend too!

    zezoo. thanks for passing by!

    Irina I can imagine you are fed up of the snow. Here we can be sure it doesn't last so long , so we may as well enjoy it, but in your place it is surely tough. Keep warm!

    Thanks Pat! xx

    Ciao Giada. Credo che quest'anno nessuno è risparmiato dalla neve. Un abbraccio

    In this case I am glad you feel the cold Marja :-)) happy sunday!

    Fernando, credo che tutta l'Europa ha visto la neve quest'anno. Grazie della visita!

  46. Beautiful Beautiful..watercolor, Jane!! I love how you painted the sky...we haven't had snow a way, I look forward to that fresh snow falling.

  47. Beautiful indeed, love your watercolor paintings Jane.

  48. It is a gorgeous winter painting Jane, I can feel and smell the snow, it is stunning!

  49. So beautiful pictures and painting!

  50. Your painting does tell the fairytale you are talking about! Apparently the winter is making a big appearance throughout Europe. Here, we have +7C and no snow on the ground - the most unusual winter.

  51. Jane...Jeg elsker denne Akvarel-gouacher : )

  52. I really love this painting...wouldn't it make a great illustration in a children's book?

  53. Très joli travail! Je travaille aussi souvent à partir de photos, d'autant plus que maintenant, je peux réclamer l'aide de ma fille (qui fait de fort jolies photos).


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