
domenica 29 gennaio 2012

Tramonto nella Palude/Sunset in the Sumps

Acquerello/Watercolor 46 x 62 cm
Dipinto più vecchio/Older painting

Come trovare ispirazione in un dipinto vecchio!  Il primo ( quello verde )  è già stato postato nel dicembre 2010 ( potete vedere sotto la voce 'Fantasia' ) , il secondo  invece è stato dipinto alla fine del 2011. Spesso quando sono sprovvista di ispirazione  vado a guardare cose già fatte, e non di rado trovo idee nuove . Questo succede anche a voi?

How to find inspiration in an older painting! The first one ( the green one) was posted in december 2010 ( you can see it under the voice 'Fantasy' ) , the second one was painted at the end of 2011. Sometimes when I have no inspiration I will go and check my older paintings, and often I do find new ideas. Does that happen to you too?

54 commenti:

  1. Both are beautiful, Jane! Funny how the mood is so different with a different colour. I love the red accents in the green one, and the orange one is breathtaking!

  2. Hello Jane. The orange painting is amazing. And the green too:) How nice. Exellent how you manage to do that! All that different values and that light at the end. Very very nice!

  3. What great paintings you have done. Sometimes I do look back over previous work, sometimes nicely surprised and sometimes I think "what on earth was I thinking! Lol.

  4. Beautiful Jane, getting a lovely feeling of warmth from the top one on a cold day. Lovely portrait too

  5. moi,je sens une évolution dans ta pratique .la dernière faite est plus riche en nuances et plus assurée dans le geste.bonne idée que de repartir d'une œuvre ancienne

  6. Quanto sono belli entrambi, cara Jane!
    E' un vero piacere entrare in questo tuo blog.
    Ciao e buona domenica:)

  7. I like them a lot, they are very expressive.

    Happy painting

  8. Hi Jane, this is so awesome. Beautiful to see the difference between the two paintings. You are now in a totally different admosphere and is to see in your picture. Marvelous. And very warm and beautiful colors the new one.
    Greet and hugs

  9. Deux peintures intéressantes et magnifiques...
    Des couleurs qui vous habitent différemment selon la période de votre vie et cela sans en connaître le secret...
    Gros bisous

  10. Il secondo acquerello assume un aspetto surreale rispetto al primo...
    interessante creazione..
    un caro saluto..

  11. Hello Jane,
    their solutions are unique, I see his artistic spirit surfacing every posting.
    A good day to you!

  12. Ay Jane,son tan bonitas las dos que podría enamorarme de cualquiera de ellas.
    No importa el momento o la inspiración te quedaron preciosas.

  13. Both paintings have their own beauty,the green one gives a nice cool feeling and the warm colours of the first one is now even more attractive because its winter and its wonderful to be reminded of summer.
    Its a great idea to go back and find fresh ideas,its something I should do.

  14. These are very beautiful, I love the different moods that are conveyed with the different colors. I haven't produced anything yet that I would want to reproduce yet, but if I ever get better, the idea of doing variations of older pieces is a wonderful one.

  15. Me gustan mucho los dos. Consigues un efecto de luz muy impactante. Es interesante revisar nuestros antiguos trabajos, una buena idea.
    Un abrazo.

  16. Interesting concept Jane. It's rare for me to like my older works enough to redo, but I will work on it. You know me, I love the orange version, but the green draws a response to explore the woods - beautiful works both.

  17. I do that as well, Jane. ;) Both your "light at the end of the tunnel" paintings are wonderful ... fascinating for me, but I LOVE the one painted in warm colors. There is more depth, and I do love warms!

  18. Do bellas acuarelas. Me gustan, Enhorabuena. Jesús.

  19. Già dall'immagine di anteprima, l'acquerello arancione mi ha attratta tantissimo!
    Quello verde ha un'atmosfera davvero misteriosa, mi piace per quella luce chiara che sembra filtrare tra le chiome degli alberi.
    Mi piacciono entrambi perchè esprimono due diversi stati d'animo.
    Buona domenica, a presto!!

  20. Je n'ai encore jamais repris d'anciens travaux, non pas que j'aime tout, loin de là, mais j'aime faire des choses nouvelles. Peut-être un jour ...
    J'aime ta nouvelle version pour ces couleurs chaudes et vives. Bonne soirée.

  21. Well Jane, I really liek them both but the orange one is just so full of energy and dances on the page. Well, I look at some of my old work and think what was I thinking when I did that? does that count ? Hugs and have a great day.xo

  22. Cara Jane,il tuo soggetto ha dei bei colori decisi in tutti e due i casi,in pratica sono veramente due lavori distinti nel tempo e nella tavolozza.Il tuo bel segno energico si vede chiarissimo in tutti e due gli acquarelli !!!Buona serata da Rita

  23. Once again you demonstrate what a huge difference the color scheme makes. They not only have a different mood and atmosphere, but look like entirely different scenes. I love the fiery colors of the new one and find your idea, to re-interpret the old, very intriguing.

  24. Your warm and cool colored treatments of the same scene illustrates the temperature of color--something I noticed myself when I hung my "Winter" painting on my observation wall;the room temperature seemed to drop ten degrees. Wonderful illustration of the power of color.

  25. The color temperature is so impotant to each of these. What a great idea to go back and revisit an earlier painting where issues of composition and values are worked out and then change the temperature of the colors.

  26. Peut être que quand on ne trouve pas de l'inspiration, instinctivement, chercher dans notre passé, dans un endroit connu, dans notre mémoire, ou dans un moment émouvant antérieur qui nous a touché l'âme, ça soit d'une certaine façon, comme rentrer dans un carrefour, pour y trouver une vision différente avec laquelle parcourir à nouveau le chemin. C'est ça ce que je vois dans ton dernier travail: tu as marché jusqu'à trouver une nouvelle voie... et tu as fait un nouveau travail vif et chaud.
    En réponse à ta question, moi, d'habitude, je ne cherche pas dans mes antérieures travaux, mais dans des images que ma mémoire de sentiments antérieures a produit.
    Gros bisous, Jane

  27. Ambos trabajos me gustan, Jane. Me parece maravilloso el tratamiento de la luz.
    Un abrazo.

  28. I don't know which place I'd rather visit. I've never been able to paint a second one--I've tried without success.

  29. Both are lovely Jane! Yes, it is beneficial to go back and see what we had been doing once in a while, gives new perspectives to grow further.

  30. Hola Jane,
    gracias por entrar y quedarte en mi blog. Tus pinturas son magníficas. Me gustan mucho. Como empleas el color, el trazo y la especial forma de ver las cosas.

    Un abrazo

  31. J'aime beaucoup votre ambiance créative, la douceur, la lumière, votre sensibilité, c'est trés poétique.

  32. I have re-painted old ideas but often find they second try loses something. It becomes too polished and has less of the immediate feel of the first.

    These paintings have a feeling of transition to them with the eye being led through the arch into the unknown.

  33. Cambiano i colori, mutano le emozioni. Mi immergo nel sole e mi riposo nel verde. Belli tutti e due; mi immedesimo nel verde che, con qualche accenno e tocco di rosso mi proietta nel bosco immaginario dei miei pensieri!! Belli!!!

  34. Both are superb but I just love the heat in the first one. Fabulous!!!

  35. Yes..That is a good thing to do...paint over a painting or spiff one up..Nice reminder

  36. beautiful watercolors...thank you for visiting my blog "yaya paints"!

  37. Jane, these are so beautiful! I love the light that draws one into the painting~~~


  38. Jane,

    Belissimo seus trabalho.
    Saudações do Brasil.

  39. Amazing works here, and I like your sister's portrait so much.
    As for the ideas, blog surfing helps so much to me, it gives joy, power and unbearable wish to paint and to draw right now, to learn, to follow.
    As for my old works, I mostly do not like them when just finished. But some time later I found painting in the drawer and feel pleased. Low self-esteem as a painter it is))

  40. both are beautiful...old paintings as excellent idea!

  41. yes, I like to get ideas from my older paintings too! These two paintings are so good...the same, but not the same at is astonishing what color does, and how the mood is so different in each. Beautiful!

  42. Grazie infinitamente a tutti...e buona pittura! Bacioni

    Thank you all so much ...and happy painting! xx

  43. Wow..both are brilliantly beautiful! Both atmospheric..different takes me into my mind..the green one takes me straight into my heart!
    yes me too..I often get inspired by revisiting older works. Your work is truly inspiring!

  44. Love the colors in the new one. To very beautiful paintings. Great art.

  45. I definitely do that. I would check old, unfinished projects and see if I can rekindle the passion, I would also repaint old topics that I think I have the abilities to tackle better now... I love the new version! The color is passionate and wild...

  46. these both are absolutely wonderful, each in a own special way!! but the new one is breathtaking. Bravo!

    wish you a nice Winter weekend. with warm hugs



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