
giovedì 7 novembre 2013

Due ritratti / Two portraits

Olio su tela / Oil on linen 28,5 x 28 cm
Olio su cartone / Oil on cardboard  30 x 30 cm

58 commenti:

  1. flot... hende i midten var nogle virkelig flotte øjne :)

  2. Wow Jane, you just make it look so easy. Congratulations on three beautiful portraits. Each painting is a gem!

  3. il y a une belle presence dans tes portraits,une telle douceur aussi

  4. I cannot choose which one I like best, they are all beautiful, Jane!

  5. Three lovely portraits Jane. I really like how you always capture so much expression in the eyes.

  6. Jane, your portrait work is amazing. I like your color choices.

  7. I like your portraits but I really adore the upper one, she looks very natural.

  8. Des magnifiques portraits!!!
    Magnifique envol !!!
    j'aime beaucoup tes photos.
    Merci pour ce partage!
    Nice post! Thanks & Welcome for your comment and visit to my blog. Merci.
    Have a nice day!

  9. Les verts apportent beaucoup de douceur à ces jolis portraits. Bisous.

  10. tres retratos llenos de expresión. Felicitaciones Jane

  11. Tre ritratti magnifici ,ognuno con caratteristiche proprie.Tre volti e tre stati d'animo diversi...
    Il mio cuore vibra insieme al primo per la forte emotività che comunica a me , in questo preciso momento della mia vita.
    Abbraccio,Cara Jane!!!

  12. Nicely rendered the hellion and the other a dreamy the other one a bit sexy hugs Danielle

  13. Beautiful portraits, each with a different presence and expression. I also most like the top one, for her most natural look and the slight intensity in her expression.

  14. Sí, querida amiga, tus retratos tienen una fuerza muy grande y su
    belleza hacen resaltar el arte que tienes.
    Mis grandes felicitaciones, con un fuerte abrazo.

  15. J'aime bien la façon dont tu as utilisée les couleurs pour traduire trois caractères bien différents dans ces trois portraits: les verts douces, les couleurs chaudement tièdes et complémentaires pour la serenitée mûre de la première, les faux blancs avec les bleus froids des yeux pour une tiède rapprochement d'une femme timide mais accueillante et l les verts vifs, les contrastes fortes pour le rougeur sauvage de l'impulsive jeunesse de troisième femme.

    Gros bisous

  16. Me atrae sobre todo la mirada y la expresión del primer retrato. Es un placer contemplarlos.

  17. Tu colección de retratos femeninos no para de crecer, Jane.
    ¡Fantásticos trabajos!
    Un abrazo.

  18. Jane, You are doing wonderful on your portraits! Do you sketch them using grid or do you draw freehand? I do it using grid, but trying to learn to draw and sketch freehand.

  19. Unas caras preciosas, me gusta mucho la primera, felicidades

  20. Tienes un don amiga Jane, por las medidas de tus cuadros,veo que están muy bien trabajados,enhorabuena,un saludo.

  21. There is something iconic and a beautiful mystery about your portraits, they are compelling!!

  22. Beautiful colors, aura about these portraits.

  23. Great portraits! My favourite is the top one. She has very intense eyes and I also like the colourcombinations. The one with the white collar has beautyful light blue eyes, lovely to the light colours of the collar. The bottom one I think has a very god shadow under the hair that gives the portrait a lot of interrest.

  24. Sia un'artista inarrestabile...meravigliosi ritratti da una bella espressione.
    Ciao cara Jane ti abbraccio!

  25. Cada una tiene su expresividad propia, y apostaría a que se reconocen los modelos. Enhorabuena por estos nuevos excelentes retratos! . Un abrazo.

  26. Three lovely portraits Jane, love the texture and colours of the top one, great look with the white collar on the second

  27. Congratulations Jane, very nice portraits full of expression and very amazing colours !!!

  28. Lovely portraits. They are all beautiful.

  29. Magníficos retratos, Jane!! Como siempre captas algo más allá del rostro; yo diría el alma y la personalidad de las mujeres. Te felicito!! un placer volver de nuevo a tu blog. Un abrazo!

  30. Jane, they are so nice. As I traveled from one to another....I kept going back to the top one. Love her expression. Beautiful, bella.

  31. Three beauties. Azra is right; these are compelling.

  32. Estupenda serie de retratos Jane, muy bien trabajados.

  33. Trois magnifiques portraits, remplis de joie, de beauté et de douceur.
    Bon week-end, Jane.

  34. 3 hermosos retratos Jane, el primero es precioso, la expresion de su cara tan natural me gusta mucho. Abrazos! :)

  35. I love all three portraits Jane. The top one particularly captures my attention. You have captured a lot of sensitivity in her expression. Beautiful!!

  36. De bien beaux portraits Jane! C'est difficile de faire un choix parmi ces trois beautés. Bravo!!!

  37. Muy bien pintado estos cuadros, el primero me encanta.Besitos y buen finde.

  38. Hoi Jane,
    je hebt weer erg je best gedaan.
    heel mooi.
    Groetjes Marja

  39. Wow you must know lots of stunning ladies Jane. ;-) Your portraits always have such class and grace about them. Thanks for sharing.

  40. These portraits are amazing, Jane! I love all of them, but the woman in the first one has such lovely and soft features. She looks so dreamy, very beautifully painted!! I wish you a great weekend!

  41. Querida Jane: Qué producción pictórica de buenos retratos, eres incansable, los tres muy bellos y cada uno refleja una personalidad distinta, que has sabido interpretar en ellos. Un abrazo y un fin de semana bello!!!

  42. Molto belli. Un felice fine settimana a Te...ciao

  43. belli x3 ... i esp like the top one jane ...have a good w-e

  44. ¡¡Qué velocidad pintando!! Bellos rostros bien realizados. Buen fin de semana. Un saludo

  45. Bellísimos retratos. Unas tonalidades muy luminosas. Besos.

  46. Hi dear Jane, wow these are wonderful and each have their own personality. Just as we do, love seeing what my friend Jane is always up to. I am thinking the bottom one may be my fave, why? I don't know she is the one who calls to me. Have a great weekend my dear and I know you are creating up a storm. xoxoxo

  47. Tu forma de pintar es muy especial, me encanta el uso del color, como mezclas y juntas los tonos y como haces tuyo el momento. Los retratos geniales Jane.

    Un abrazo y buen domingo

  48. Your portraits come with a touch of mystery always and when you post three different beauties together, the mind goes in to speculation to decide who is the best! But finally I have to agree that each one of them looks special with their features and expressions, yet united together with the color and execution, Bravo Jane!

  49. bellissimi ed espressivi
    un abbraccio al volo

  50. Felicidades Jane, hermoso retratos muy expresivos y con mucho color. Abrazos !

  51. Het zijn drie mooie portretten , Jane.

  52. wow, you have a huge and well deserved following, jane. i really like the first one...interesting colors and softness of line.

  53. Gosto de pintura e estas parecem-me bem.
    Quanto a pintar, faço o que sei... e não é muito.

    1. Love these portraits Jane! The top one is my favorite...lovely sensitivity!

  54. Jane beautiful portraits full of expression .. bravo! :) **

  55. The first woman seems kind and intelligent. I might enjoy lunch with her. But the third one might be the most memorable--she's so sure of herself she's scary. The middle one might be a witch :)


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