
martedì 13 giugno 2017

Vivacious Tulips / Tulipani vivaci

Olio su tela / Oil on canvas 60 x 80 cm
Not really the right time for tulips , but I started this painting in february and didn't finish it until now . So many other paintings got in the way :-))

In realtà non è il periodo giusto per i tulipani  , ma ho iniziato questo dipinto a febbraio e sono riuscito a finirlo solo adesso. Si sono intromessi tanti altri dipinti da finire :-))

19 commenti:

  1. These tulips are the vibrant colors - the season doesn't matter this is still a beautiful painting.

  2. Muy coloridos y bellos estos tulipanes, acordes con la estación. Saludos

  3. Such beautiful colors Jane!!! I love the cropped version!!!

  4. Love the joyous colours and the close up gives them power !!!

  5. Flowers are always welcome,
      And these stay beautiful.

    Flowers are always welcome,
      And these stay beautiful. Congratulations.
    Beijinhos, Léah

  6. I love your tulips! Wonderful colours!

  7. Beh ma sta qua il bello del dipingere, non esistono stagioni e non esistono confini! E nemmeno, volendo, la realtà. :-)
    E comunque i colori sanno proprio di estate! Nel dipinto precedente vedevo il relax estivo, in questo ne vedo l'allegria.

  8. That happens, doesn't it, Jane? Wish I could show you my closet! Love the bold colors which make it so festive. This would be the centerpiece in any room!!

  9. I love your tulips in close up!

  10. Well worth waiting for I'd say, beautiful.
    Have a great weekend, Gordon.

  11. I love the beautiful colors, it is gorgeous!

  12. Very wonderful floral painting with so nice colours and light !!!

  13. Hola Jane: Bello trabajo, especial para demostrar que Uds. estan en un verano colorido. Un abrazo!!

  14. Very neat design. I really like the way you captured the flowers heads and leaves this way. Your colors are lovely.

  15. Just makes you smile. Bright, bold and happy.


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