
domenica 20 maggio 2018

Mostra / Exhibition

Olio su tela / Oil on canvas

Olio su tela / Oil on canvas 50 x 70 cm
A dear friend of mine had cancer and she lost her hair due to the cures . I thought that she was still beautiful even though in an abstract way from her normal self . And it made me think of how courageous and strong women are even through tough ordeals, and this inspired me to make a series of bald abstract women .

Una mia cara amica malata di cancro aveva perso i suoi capelli dovuto alle cure . Ho pensato che fosse sempre bella anche se in un modo astratto dal suo aspetto abituale . Mi ha fatto riflettere su quanto le donne siano coraggiose e forte anche contro le avversità della vita , e ciò mi ha ispirato a fare una serie di donne calve astratte.

21 commenti:

  1. Le deseo un gran éxito!
    Un abrazo.

  2. In qualche modo questo è sia inquietante che bello ...

  3. Beautiful paintings and I'm sure it is a powerful series.
    I lost my best friend to cancer in February. Her name was Jo and she battled the disease for over ten years. She was beautiful inside and out.
    Wishing you much deserved success with the exhibition, Jane.

  4. What a lovely idea, Jane, I admire you so much for doing this - and the artwork is absolutely stunning!

  5. Those abstract women pieces are very beautiful. I love the colors. Good luck with your exhibition.

  6. Ah Jane - these ladies are just beautiful. What a way to celebrate women who have had cancer. May your exhibition be a true success - that you so richly deserve friend. Hugs!

  7. Stunning...really stunning, Jane. The colors are fabulous.

  8. Wow, a fabulous series! Very strong and beautiful women!

  9. Ti auguro una bella reuscita Jane!Questi lavori sono un omaggio alle donne colpite di cancro e una bella dose di ottimismo e di positivita.Brava!

  10. Jeetje Jane dat is zo goed weer gegeven zo mooi heel knap werk lieve groetjes Daniëlle

  11. She's beautiful Jane! And so are you to do these amazing paintings. The best of luck with your exhibit...I know it will be a success!

  12. Stunning portraits Jane, you are an artist that is always growing!! Good luck with the exhibition. xxx

  13. Que bela e generosa inspiração amiga.
    Parabéns são lindas as pinturas.
    Beijinhos, Léah

  14. Ik bewonder dit werk Jane, en zeker het idee dat hier achter zit. Ik ben ook één van die mensen die door deze ziekte geplaagd wordt, maar we blijven van de mooie dagen en kleuren genieten hoor !
    groetjes van Simonne

  15. An enchanting collection Jane and thought provocative too.

  16. Complimenti Jane, molto interessanti i tuoi lavori, poi mi piace moltissimo l'accostamento dei colori

  17. Mis grandes felicitaciones; Como siempre nos das tu gran arte con distintas formas.
    Pero siempre bello.
    Mucho éxito y un fortísimo abrazo.

  18. Estupendo Jane, Mucho éxito con tu exposición.

  19. Mucha suerte y fuerza por haber encarado de frente estos aspectos de la vida. Pinturas muy comprometidas. Un abrazo.

  20. Know the exhibition was successful. Love the strength yiu captured in these. Takes a special lady to paint one!!


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