Olio su tela /Oil on canvas 40 x 50 cm |
This is a self portrait painted from a photo made in the 'Kew Gardens ' in London last year. Obviously ( because I could :-) )I cancelled a few years from my face and painted the dress as if it were a lady from the 1800, a period I quite love for a lot of reasons :-)
that is an interesting self portrait, where the expression is caught well, the background more than perfect. I would be quite satisfied if it would be my piece of art.
RispondiEliminaflot selvportræt - virkeligt flot :)
RispondiEliminaFantástico retratro Jane. Como siempre, de inquientante mirada.
RispondiEliminaUn abrazo.
Nice self portrait Jane.
RispondiEliminaBeautiful self portrait Jane. Love the dress, very elegant.
RispondiEliminaBello autorretrato. ¿A dónde mira Jane?
Witaj Jane:)
RispondiEliminaBardzo udany autoportret Jane..Jestem pod wrażeniem! Pozdrawiam serdecznie.. Jola ( JoKo)
Lovely serene feel to this portrait. Gorgeous work.
RispondiEliminaGuardare se stesso e tranferire la propria imagine su tela deve essere un procedimento molto particolare.Mi sembra che c' hai riusccito di progettarti su un dipinto e su une bella epoca!Bellisimo!
Sin leer el texto ya me he percatado de que se trataba de un autoretrato.
RispondiEliminaYo no me atrevo, de normal ya soy suficientemente feo.
Bella la tua espressione serena. Complimenti.
RispondiEliminaEs lo bueno de la pintura, te puedes quitar los años que quieras. Te veo perfecta. Besos.
RispondiEliminaMi piace la serenità che mostri in questo autoritratto. E non hai bisogno di dire che ti hai tolto anni, perche si vede assolutamente senze età: è come intemporale. Complimenti, Jane. Baci.
RispondiEliminaWOW WOW Jane what a wonderful painting. very very nice self portrait. Really gorgeous.
RispondiEliminaLovely greet Marja
Byłaś w pięknym miejscu, więc byłaś szczęśliwa. Portret musiał być piękny i jest. Pozdrawiam.
RispondiEliminaSei stato in un bel posto, in modo che erano felici. Ritratto doveva essere bello e lo è. Distinti.
Un autorretrato! Qué interesante,Jane! Y observando tu foto de perfil, tienes mucho parecido, cierto aire similar que le da el mismo carácter...Entonces está bien logrado, te felicito!
die gestrenge lady jane im 18,jahrhundert.......ein tolles portrait jane, aber weißt was, du bist mir in diesem jahrhundert weitaus lieber.......
RispondiEliminaherzliche grüße nmaria
bello auto-retrato, sabiamente interpretado en la indumentaria que le da un aire soñador y romántico.
You are a beautiful lady, Jane! You look very self assured, serene and happy. It makes me wonder what you are looking at or thinking about?
RispondiEliminaQue bello retrato Jane, con un fondo muy relajante.la expresion del perfil, transmite paz y tranquilidad. Enhorabuena . Besos
RispondiEliminaLindos traços, Jane, tens um lindo espaço. Parabéns!
RispondiEliminaPrecioso, porque no soñar que estamos en otro lugar, en otra epoca ...
RispondiEliminaHola Jane. hermoso autorretrato, me encanta la serenidad del rostro y la transparencia de los ojos, todo un poema!!!
RispondiEliminaFelicitaciones y un abrazo!
That was a pair of lovely icy blue eyes.
RispondiEliminaSmukt selvportræt.
RispondiEliminaFin baggrund.
Ha´ en god aften.
Wonderful self portrait Jane and going back to the 1800 period is a great idea.I love period dramas and spent much of my teens reading novels from that time,couldn't get enough of them.
RispondiEliminaWhat an unusual self portrait, but what a good idea. You do look like you have stepped back in time. Lovely
RispondiEliminaThe eyes stand out but really......I love the hair. It is such fun to paint and you did a great job!
RispondiEliminaThe eyes reflect the sky, but the pin steals the show! I bet you had a lot of fun with this one!
RispondiEliminaMi piace il tuo ritratto. Mi piace la tonalità di colore della pelle, e la morbidezza dei capelli.
RispondiEliminaUn caro saluto!
Hoi Jane,
RispondiEliminaze kijkt een beetje stuurs maar dat moet ook kunnen.
fijne avond Marja
Cara Jane,hai dipinto un bellissimo autoritratto. Senza tempo , il volto leggermente estraneo anche allo stesso verde del Parco,il tuo sguardo sembra andare oltre...la spilla tutta piena di cerchi e raggi sembra un simbolo particolare. Dove guardi, dove sei e dove vai,è avvolto in un mistero interiore che dona un fascino straordinario all'insieme. Brvissima!
Sans doute qu'ici, dans cet autoportrait est ton esprit. Et bien que cet autoportrait soit beau, je sens qu'ici il n'y a pas qu'une partie de Jane. La Jane mystérieuse, pensive, profonde. Mais je sens qu'il y a une autre Jane: amusante, gaie. J'aime cet air élégant que ce chemisier qui nous montre quelques traits plus denses comme s'ils étaient peut-être reliefs de la dentelle, avec son col roulé donne à l'ensemble ... D'autre part, tu sais que toujours je dis ce que je pense, donc la Jane réelle est plus belle que celle du portrait.
RispondiEliminaJe t'embrasse
RispondiEliminaSí Jane, eres una gran artista, pues esa maravillosa, expresividad, te quedó linda.
Tu sais oser Jane :)
RispondiEliminaNe t'ayant jamais vu de près, je ne saurais dire si c'est très ressemblant,mais je ne pense pas que ce soit là l'important. C'est plutôt comment toi, tu te vois! Très intéressant comme défi. Bises
Beautifully painted, Jane!! I as well, love that period...
RispondiEliminaI love the hair...lovely piece!!!
Bello. Io che ti conosco di persona ti rivedo in questo tuo ritratto.
RispondiEliminaWow! Beautiful Jane! Your eyes are such a pretty color. Very nice job! I have yet to do a self portrait but when I do I will definitely follow you and take some years off:)
RispondiEliminaBello retrato, creo que está muy logrado el parecido! Un abbraccio
RispondiEliminaUn estupendo y bello retrato que muestra lo mucho que te quieres :) . Enhorabuena! Un abrazo.
RispondiEliminaThis is magnificent Jane, the face against the backdrop of a garden is a lovely composition, it looks very poetic, this is going to be one of my most favorites of your works!
RispondiEliminaVery beautiful self portrait Jane, and very interesting idea to travell back in the time by painting !!!
RispondiEliminaLovely painting Jane. very haunting and lovely. All the best Jane.
Precioso retrato Jane, pero me siguen gustando más tus retratos con acuarela.... No hagas mucho caso a mi comentario ya que viene de una apasionada de la acuarela. Un saludo.
RispondiEliminaMe gusta mucho el autoretrato. Y es tan dificil!
Un abraccio
Maravilloso autorretrato! una mirada expresiva, me encanta! Abrazos
RispondiEliminaVery nice Jane. The portrait does have likeness to your photo! How nice to have an artists license so that you can cancel few years! Great pose and dress!
RispondiEliminaJane, your self-portrait is so beautifully and expertly done. I love the sparkle in her eyes. She (you) looks very aristocratic and elegant.
RispondiEliminaWell done! You captured your own likeness beautifully and I love the composition.
RispondiElimina"Because you could." That's the best part of art. Nice self portrait.
RispondiEliminaBeautiful! What a wonderful exercise in self-discovery.
RispondiEliminaA very elegant self-portrait, Jane! [If I did a self-portrait, I would do some line erasing, too] :)
RispondiEliminaun'espressione molto intensa,un bel contrasto con lo sfondo del parco,buona giornata Jane
RispondiEliminaFantastic self-portrait Jane.
RispondiEliminaMe too. The eighteen hundreds were a fascinating period. You did capture that feeling of propriety.
RispondiEliminawow!!!A beautiful ladz of 1800!!!!
RispondiEliminaYour portrait is absolutely lovely,and every time with nice eyes dear Jane
Estupendo autorretrato, Jane. Con una melena rubia y unos ojos azules preciosos.
RispondiEliminaUn beso
Love your work and the fact you chose to "take off a few years and dress from the 1800's." Great idea for me too.
RispondiEliminaYes we have bears, cougars and bobcats around here. And yes we have to really be aware of our surroundings at all times. I used to wander through our woods sketching and collecting nature things, but not so much anymore because of the animals. They are being driven out of their homes by people building. So now we see a lot more.
I wondered whether it was a self portrait when I saw it. Great painting and a beautiful romantic atmosphere.
RispondiEliminaVery fresh and springlike! Self portrait?
RispondiEliminaNon ti togliere gli anni....sei sempre bella:):)
RispondiEliminaSplendido ritratto cara Jane...
Un grosso bacio!
A Very beautiful portrait, Jane! You may have skipped some fine-lines :) but the expression is very wise and mature, while at the same time peaceful and serene, as if it's saying "I know what is to be and nothing can disturb my world"
RispondiEliminaI'm backkkkk ;)
EliminaThis time I reconnized yoy, great work, beautifull lady ;))
Hi Jane,
RispondiEliminaThis is such a beautiful self-portrait. You have captured such ethereal beauty which is very fitting for the period you have set it in. Love your strikingly blue eyes.